"I should take this opportunity to wish you success in all you set out to accomplish."- Mohammed VI, King of Morocco
books & music downloads (personal and family history, The Destiny of Humanity, Building a Successful Organization, The Fallout of Love)
I'm a certified expert engineer by Oracle (Java^, Pl/SQL^ as a teenager), Microsoft (C#^, T-SQL^), and Amazon (Solutions Architect Professional, DevOps Engineer Professional), as well as having been endorsed as "extremely gifted as a computer programmer" by a prominent financial software entrepreneur ^.
I am the author of three books, Building a Successful Organization^, The Destiny of Humanity^, and Inventions^.
Building a Successful Organization was endorsed by a public company executive, and covers topics including leadership, strategy, management, team building, hiring, ethics, sales, marketing, negotiation, patents, copyrights, trademarks, and contracts.
The Destiny of Humanity was the first book to have ever been written for and sent to the leaders of every country on Earth, and covers topics including economic development, education, innovation, war, poverty, energy, and space. The book has been implemented by leaders of countries, and received endorsements from several including King Norodom Sihamoni of Cambodia who remarked "I am confident that this book will surely attract public attention on the importance of the task of building a peaceful and prosperous world for all."^ Prime Minister of Cape Verde Jose Maria Neves who remarked that the book is "A pointing of horizons and goals to which we must be aware. The quest for harmony and a blend of attitudes that could reach the heights of the global and total dignity of human beings."^, and First Lady of the United States Jill Biden who remarked "It is the kindness of people like you that continue to renew my confidence about what we, as Americans, can achieve together."^ Shortly after distribution of The Destiny of Humanity, Russia, Iran & North Korea called for an end to nuclear weapons, the United Nations passed the first gay rights resolution, Canada, Australia & India called for geothermal energy, China, America & Russia called for commercial and deep space exploration, and Barack Obama, immediately after receiving the book on May 12th, 2011, called my plans including on economic development, education, energy, and national security his "new ideas", and the sudden appearance of "new ideas" was credited by the media with saving his re-election campaign.
Inventions discloses patents filed on eighteen hardware and software inventions of mine, including a new class of clean electricity generators expected to provide more than a ten times cost reduction over all prior and proposed alternatives, as detailed at Bannon Maher. A review of the clean electricity generator inventions by the National Science Foundation stated "The proposal targets one general application -- electromechanical energy conversion -- but lists four distinct ideas, each with its own risks... If the proposed [generator and motor system inventions] function the way it is claimed, it will have a profound impact across the whole energy industry, and physics in general."^. Additional inventions include a cost and yield optimized agricultural production system, a system for autonomous cancer removal, and a system for a reusable interplanetary space vehicle launch network.
I was the first full time employee at a company whose software, as disclosed by others, now protects over two million users, primarily in the U.S. Federal government, including users of classified U.S. military networks^.
I wrote software from scratch used to scale a startup hedge fund from zero to billions of dollars in assets under management in one year^^, after work experience at Deutsche Bank^, Bear Stearns (J.P. Morgan)^ and the New York Stock Exchange.
At the age of 29, I was an independent candidate for the United States Senate^^^.
I've have had one of the songs that I wrote and recorded, The Fallout of Love, which is available for download on Apple's iTunes^, licensed by MTV, VH1, and Discovery^. The song was ranked in the top 0.1% against major label releases in an independent survey of hundreds of listeners^.
I was certified and volunteered as an Emergency Medical Technician^.
I graduated from the University of San Diego, ranked third in the world for entrepreneurship by the Financial Times^, with recommendations from the President^ and Dean^, and completed Oxford^, Stanford, Yale, and Harvard coursework^.
In September 2009, I authored the essay Legislation for the Creation and Protection of Real Wealth, and sent it to all members of the United States Congress, intending to break the strangle hold of lobbyists preventing the passage of health care and financial reform, which had been declared dead by the media. Shortly after distribution, both healthcare and financial reform were resurrected and passed. In the essay, I was the only person in the world to have predicted the May 2010 Flash Crash.
In December 2009, I wrote an essay on gay equality, and distributed it to every member of Congress, every member of every state legislature, and the major organizations working for and against equality, that was responsible for the tipping point of equality in the United States, resulting in the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, marriage equality at the Supreme Court, and the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, as well as advancements globally. The essay was read on the Senate floor of Maine before the passage of marriage equality legislation^, as well as read into the record of the Australian Parliament. I then monitored electronic news for marriage equality bills that were subsequently brought up, sent the essay to journalists writing on the topic and at the same time requested targeted action by the various groups working for equality. In April of 2010, I sent the essay through postal mail to the 60+ members of the leadership of the Department of Defense, then in December ran an online campaign targeting gay adults asking that they read the essay and request an immediate vote using provided contact links to senators and the White House. A vote was held that month repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, the law prohibiting military service by those who are openly gay.
I was born on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City to Richard Maher, a institutional investment advisor specializing in United States Treasury securities at firms including Deutsche Bank and the Union Bank of Switzerland^, and Marianne Bannon, a former Assistant Treasurer at Bankers Trust (Deutsche Bank)^. My Uncle Peter Bannon was awarded a combat commendation medal as a Marine in Vietnam^, my Great Grandfather Charles Gallic was a member of the New York Stock Exchange^, Great Grandfather Thomas Bannon was the acting commissioner of the New York City Department of Water, Gas, and Electric, as well as a member of New York City's Volunteer Defense Services^, and Grandfather Thomas Bannon was a professor of accounting and finance at Fordham, an executive at a defense contractor ^, and the President of Flowers Fifth Avenue Hospital in New York City.
USD grad running for U.S. Senate
Gay NJ U.S. Senate Candidate
United States Federal Election Commission, S2NJ00346, C00495200
Deutsche Banc Names Executive
Michael Maher to Wed Reid Peters
Building a Successful Organization, ISBN 1450586813
The Destiny of Humanity, ISBN 0615489516
Essay on Gay Equality, United States Copyright Office, TX0006899996
Legislation for the Creation and Protection of Real Wealth, United States Copyright Office, TXu001649523
iTunes.com, The Fallout of Love
Maine State Senate Minutes (S-526, May 6th, 2009; search "When trade smiths")